Let’s continue to make
Corte Madera beautiful.
Please consider contributing to the Beautification Committee to help support our Hanging Baskets, Street Tree Program or various other projects around Town. We appreciate all our donors that have supported us over the years.
It is through the generosity of donors like you that we're able to take on the projects and programs we do to enhance the beauty of Corte Madera and help make it an even more wonderful place to live.
Online Donation
To contribute online, please click the Donate button below. PayPal will load in a new browser tab where you select an amount or enter your own, and choose one-time or monthly.
Mail-in Donation
Please make your check payable to Corte Madera Community Foundation and write 'Beautification Committee' on memo line.
CMCF - Beautification Committee
P. O. Box 7109
Corte Madera CA 94976